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Holiday Needle felting
Category Education
Start date 12.02.2023   10:00 AM Address / City: 2655 NW Market Street Seattle
End date 12.02.2023   12:00 PM Location WA, US
Join teaching artist Kayla Ann for a morning of needle felting holiday ornaments. Students will learn the basics of needle felting while creating a one-of-a-kind felted ornament to celebrate the holiday season.
This class is perfect for beginners looking to learn more about needle felting, craft, and Nordic culture, and to create a holiday gift perfect for loved ones or decorating the home!
Students will leave with a finished project in hand and knowledge to continue needle felting outside of class. All materials will be provided by the instructor.
Organizer National Nordic Museum Email marketing@nordicmuseum.org
Phone 206.789.5707 URL https://nordicmuseum.org/events/holiday-needlefelting