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Sankta Lucia Service
Category Celebration
Start date 12.07.2017   11:15 AM Address / City: Samuelson Chapel, 165 Chapel Lane Thousand Oaks
End date 12.07.2017   12:00 PM Location CA, US
The ceremony of Sankta Lucia pays homage to the Christian martyr who died at the stake on Dec. 13, 304 A.D. The tradition, brought to America by Swedish immigrants, has been part of the university's holiday celebrations since its early years. The festival honors the character traits of mercy, humility and purity of heart, as seen in the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew.

Undergraduate students select five female and five male representatives whose depth of character and faith make them leaders in the Cal Lutheran community. Lucia, her attendants and their escorts enter to an ancient hymn and read an adaptation of the legend. Attendants then light the candles in Lucia's crown.

Admission is free.
Organizer California Lutheran University, Office of Campus Ministry Email elohrmyers@callutheran.edu
Phone 805-493-3228 URL https://www.callutheran.edu/calendar/event/4073#event