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Nordic Book Club: Mirror, Shoulder, Signal
Category Social
Start date 08.28.2018   06:00 PM Address / City: 58 Park Ave., New York
End date 08.28.2018   07:00 PM Location NY, US
Discuss: Mirror, Shoulder, Signal by Dorthe Nors

A Swedish crime fiction translater in her mid-40s, Sonja is looking to take her life in a new direction by finally learning to drive. But under the overbearing gaze of her driving instructor, she finds herself unable to shift gears. Nors brings her distinctive blend of style and humor to this journey of a woman in search for herself with no one to ask for directions.

Organizer Scandinavia House Email press@amscan.org
Phone 212-779-3587 URL http://www.scandinaviahouse.org/events/nordic-book-club-mirror-shoulder-signal-by-dorthe-nors/